Sunday, January 25, 2015

God is Just

A controversial issue that will never cease to exist, is what has inspired this blog post today...
On Facebook there has been several shared photos and quotes about "religion", especially with Homosexuality becoming more accepted, "religion" is at the forefront of all blame associated with slander and things such as this...
Due to these posts, I decided to seek a good comeback for those who are too ignorant to realize that by blaming "religion", they are completely copping out and only choose to blame it because - well I actually don't know why - just because I guess. It led to a Pinterest search that actually just ended up making me mad. Not because the atheist quotes offended me, but because even though the context is true-- they're completely ignorant statements and a result of these people called Atheists who are completely uneducated on the subject of "religion" or God.
Not too long ago there was a suicide of a young teenage boy -whom considered himself a girl, I'm not worried about labeling it correctly by sexual orientation, but I read the Tumblr post prior to the suicide and it stated that she wanted her death to make a mark on the world because she was being tortured and she wanted the result to shake the world into accepting everyone for who they are.
This isn't about Leelah Alcorn, God rest her soul, I am horrified that it came to her ending her own life and her parents are a whole new story. My point is that "religion" or God is NOT TO BLAME, though that's what has been going on. 
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgement on someone else. For at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgement do the same things.
Romans 2:1
God TELLS us in His word to not judge. As I was growing up, in High School, I was known as a good Christian girl and as soon as I messed up, I was a "hypocrite" or "Jesus doesn't work". What all the ignorant opinionated people didn't realize is that I'm actually human and it wasn't that Jesus doesn't work, it's that I was disobedient.
God also tells us to LOVE one another, yet when those who don't believe talk badly about God or "religion", they make Him out to be a horrible person which is just another example of ignorance. 
And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
Matthew 22:39
As I read posts that slander "religion" or God and blame them for people choosing to end their own lives, world hunger, death without reason, miscarriages, and all other hardship. God is not to blame! Atheists and those who choose not to label themselves will go around blaming God for all of these things, but what you don't realize is that God doesn't effect free will. It all started with the garden of Eden. He put the forbidden fruit in the garden so that Adam and Eve had a choice to love Him or sin against Him. If the forbidden fruit wasn't there, then - as Atheists would put it - God forced them to love Him. Which, by the way, was an Atheist quote that was ignorant as well. God doesn't force anyone to love Him. If that was the case, the world would be an entirely different place. A Being as great as God has the ability to take out all things not of Him and He could, but what good is Love that is forced? Those who truly love Him, choose it. 
There is plenty of food in this world, I work at a restaurant, do you know how many FULL SIZED PLATES we throw away because it came out wrong and the person didn't want to eat it? Do you know how many buffets with POUNDS of food left over just throw them away? You're right, God needs to be blamed for world hunger...

Listen, people! I am not trying to say that Christians don't have their own issues. They get the Love mixed up. There are some self-righteous jerks out there who claim to be Christians, I get that! However. Just like Christians don't have the right to judge, slander, or ridicule homosexuals, prostitutes, transgender, drug addicts, alcoholics, thieves, etc. Atheists or anyone else, don't have the right to slander Christians because of the followers who think they can judge. God has judgement in store for them, too. His word doesn't say, My people won't be judged for judging others, He says everyone will be judged for judging others. They literally bring judgement UPON THEMSELVES. So, while you're bashing "religion" and blaming it for suicides of transgender teens, stop and think about how hypocritical that is to slander a slanderer.
There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the One who is able to save and destroy. But you- who are you to judge your neighbor?
James 4:12
There's one more thing, God is a King. He is above all else, another misconception. Whenever Atheists try to say "why can God do this and I can't" (sarcastically, of course). I can answer right now, He is God! He is ABOVE YOU (literally and figuratively). You're not allowed to judge because there is one Judge. Whether you actually believe in God or not, actually isn't relevant here. If you want to hate on God and assume He isn't real. From your perspective, I'm talking about a "religion". The way Christianity works, as a "religion" -in Atheists eyes, rather than what it really is- we believe that God is the King. He can do whatever he wants. That's why you don't get to decide why the world is going hungry, that is why He can judge and we can't...

Understand this, God's word doesn't exclude anyone, including his followers. I was in church for most of my life, the Pastor never said that everyone will be judged except Christians, we will ALL BE JUDGED. 
I end on this...
God is just: He will pay back those who trouble you.
2 Thessalonians 1:6
No stipulations on who He is talking about...EVERYONE will be judged. No karma, God, the ultimate judge will make sure all things are held accountable for. Things that haven't been washed away by His blood. Don't worry about the people who caused Leelah or anyone else's suicide. God will make sure there is justice for those who bring pain upon his Children...and that IS everybody.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I have been a server now for about 6 months and I love it! As I was growing up, tipping wasn't a subject. Not that my parents meant to leave it out, but I don't remember ever being taught to tip. I remember being a little kid and seeing money left on a dirty table and wondering why someone would leave their money...even after that, I never really witnessed my parents tip. For that reason, I almost NEVER did as I started paying for things myself. For this, I feel a particular type of 'karma' is headed my way...
Even as I became a server half a year ago, I didn't expect a lot of tips, I continued to think it was a bonus and since I had gone two months without working, anything was more than I was making then. As time went by, I started to care more about it. I have a servant heart anyway and part of my pay is simply making people happy. However, I can't help but feel somewhat disgruntled if I am not rewarded for going above and beyond to make sure my guests' dining experience is amazing!
I can count on one hand on how many debates I've been in on the subject of tipping, mostly because I feel as though it's beating a dead horse but I cannot help but express how I feel about it.
Of course, my opinion is somewhat bias because I make my living on tips, but hear me out...

I am not quite sure how tipping came to be, I believe it was an offering of rich people or even a time went by, in America, it became a certainty. The question is raised though, why should you tip? I'll tell you why!
When I greet a table, I the first thing I want to make is a good impression, followed by getting their drinks out in a timely manner. After that comes knowledge of the menu, recommendations, and making sure I give them enough time to read over the menu and decide what they want. All of this - mind you- while making sure I got another table's order in right, keeping glasses filled at another, dropping off someone else's check, and making sure another table's food came out the way they want. With all of these things on my mind, I have to maintain that the table I am currently at has 110% of my attention! (Not complaining, just trying to paint a somewhat vivid picture of the ten thousand things on a servers mind).
I cannot express how angry I get when people complain about the obligation to tip or say things like 'get a real job!' Do you want to know why?
Think about an amazing dining experience you had, whether it was at iHop, Olive Garden, or even one of the nicest restaurants you've ever been to...why was it a good experience? The food is most of it, but was your glass refilled? Were you offered another alcoholic drink? Did your server read non-verbal communication that you wanted the check? Did you enjoy the dish he/she recommended? Was the conversation good? Whether you like it or not, the service you received is at least 70% of your dining experience.
So let's flip this around...what if that server was already making $10-$12 an hour? Do you think they would give a darn what you did that day? Seriously, you had to ask for your refill? When you asked how something tasted they said "I don't know, but it looks cool"?
The motive is irrelevant, I know some really rude people who are servers and they still make a living because they could be faking it to get your money, but who cares? When you go out, that person is motivated to make you happy so they can feed their family, pay their rent, and make a living. Without that motivation, you would hate eating out! A lot of restaurants hire for good looks because the people working will want tips but think about any other jobs' interview process...if I was hiring a server who was about to make a lot of money an hour, the reason for hiring would be different. If the minimum wage for servers was extremely high and you weren't expected to tip, should you expect ANYONE who waits on you to go above and beyond? Or even do what you asked? The answer is no.
When I go into work and I do not want to be there, I better turn that frown upside down and paint a MASK on, or I'm not going to be able to pay bills. Could you imagine getting the bitter server who was having a bad day if they weren't working for your tip?
All I am asking, is if you're the kind of person who tells servers to stop complaining and get 'real jobs', just do me a favor and think about it from their perspective. I'd love to do some roll play so you know how it feels to have 10 demanding people, expecting the world from you, all to be under appreciated. Don't even get me started on those of you who have 2 toddlers who rip apart their broccoli, a 5 year old who throws their cup at me for a refill, leaving less than a 10% tip while I stay behind for 20 minutes cleaning up after your messy kids...

There are two sides to everything, though I am a server and depend on my tips, I cannot say that when I have a low tip or even a no tip, at times, I fell I deserved it. Dillon and I go out to eat all the time, in fact our most recent experience was at Goodwood, I left $5 for a $60 meal, which I sort of felt bad about, but, we barely saw our server. Her manager took our order, she didn't even introduce herself, and she never asked how the food was. I even left her a little note saying we would have loved to interract with her more. Why pay much beyond the food or drinks if that's literally all we got?
If you have a bad experience with a sever, then by all means, don't tip them, or leave less than 10% but don't rob someone else of a chance to pay their bills when they DID do amazing. When it comes down to it, your server helps you enjoy the meal you just purchased. The world would be a different place without you expecting amazing service knowing that their income depends on it.
When you go out to eat, a person can make all the difference, so let them know how they's the least you can do.