Tuesday, July 28, 2015

"Love Wins"

I often find myself battling the urge to express my feelings on controversial topics. Then my news feed on Facebook is clogged with these topics and I almost feel obligated to express how I feel. When I say "I feel", it is totally based on my personality AND my belief system...

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"The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:31
God put a priority on two commandments, though the others are definitely important, He wants us to love HIM and then love our neighbors (ahem, that's to love everyone else AS WELL AS GOD).
I will agree that Christians have shown a lack in love lately, especially toward LGBT, however, I will also say that I see an extreme lack of love coming from those who are not followers of Christ. Bare with me here...

The motive for that love is different, but ultimately we are talking about the same thing: LOVE heart emoticoIave been observing posts and reading a lot about this uproar and I cannot help but see hypocrisy coming from BOTH SIDES.
Am I right or am I wrong?

Christians are called to LOVE, this is apparent to most. On the flip side of it, those who choose to not follow Christ are also preaching LOVE yet will slander and hate upon Christians, literally in the same sentence/tweet/blog/status...
My point is this: No one has to debate love or sides because no matter what motivates it, we have an end result in common and that is LOVE.
I apologize on behalf of Christians who choose to hate, but we are not all that way. It is great to see those who disagree with Christians understand that we still love you and it is great to see other Christians not being hateful. I remember in high school, I had a friend whose gay, I will never forget what he said to me: "Elora, you're awesome. I know you're a Christian and your beliefs say being gay is wrong but I'd never know because you're nice to me."
See? I didn't have to give up my beliefs and he didn't feel I was judging him. LOVE WON!

We should be joining together and fighting against those who want to hate, attempting to call them to love, without a religion or sexual orientation label. We are people who want to love and be loved in return. My motivation comes from Jesus Christ who died on the cross and who loves me even though I don't deserve it. Other's motivation comes from whatever they choose...the list goes on, I'm sure.
It hurts my feelings as a Christian to see atheists hate on my religion, especially when what they say is ignorant when it comes to the Bible. That isn't fair, they're asking us not to hate, that "love wins", and not to be a hypocrite, yet their whole message of "LOVE WINS" is contradicted by slandering Christians...
Instead of finding the flaws in the opposing opinions, we should lock arms with what we have in common and that is LOVE <3
What I would like to see is us joining together and promoting love, whether we have a bible in our hands, or our partner's...NO H8!

What do you say?

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