Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Done Being Quiet

I am constantly at a crossroad between keeping my mouth quiet to avoid conflict and being able to post freely. I have a lot of Facebook friends who share things I disagree with, things that offend me, and things that bother me, and yet I keep myself from commenting to avoid issues. It doesn't feel the same about my own posts, however, and I know when I post something, essentially I am "asking for it", but why should I have to be quiet? Why can others share their opinions in -sometimes- degrading ways, yet I cannot share mine in a positive way? Well, I decided that I am tired of feeling like I need to stay silent.
My husband hates when I get involved in debates or discussions and I know a lot of people don't take part in them and choose to stay by the wayside or off of Facebook completely, which is fine as well.
I have chosen to finally publish a finished blog, which I have been attempting to do for some months now. If you didn't notice, it has been a while since I posted to this blog.
I promise to be respectful.
I promise to be peaceful in debates as they arise.
I promise to be open-minded.
I promise to be kind.
I promise to use credible sources to back up my opinions.
However, I will not promise to avoid posting/sharing things I agree with and I will not promise to keep my mouth shut about issues I deem important. As the only attempt to not lose friends over disagreements, I am keeping long explanations strictly for this blog, giving my friends the choice to read or not to read and will only participate in discussions so long as the person comments agrees to keep it cordial.
Furthermore, I will not tolerate name calling, degrading speech, rudeness, or intolerance toward my views. I am an American and have first amendment rights just as those opposing me do when they share things that I disagree with or even things that offend me. I personally enjoy a good debate so long as the other person is willing to contribute without it getting heated.
If you've witnessed me posting anything that is contrary to the above promises, it stops now.
I believe wholeheartedly that we are all equal in this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave and will exercise that right going forward.

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