Thursday, February 19, 2015

50 Shades of Grey Review

Last night, I did the unthinkable, me and a couple good friends of mine saw 50 Shades of Grey. Prior to seeing the film, I was about 70% done with the book but in this case, I wasn't eager to finish it when the movie came out. I had been in a few debates about this movie based on other blogs, reviews, and opinions. I didn't want to say a whole lot before I actually saw the movie, but simply that it's all it was (hoping not to be proved wrong). Well, I can say with full confidence, I was not.
A lot of the opinions I heard were ignorant (oops). I heard people say it promotes "abusive relationships", that it is even directly related to sex trafficking, even going as far as saying that it's like stalking, and even rape...all arguments demonstrate pure ignorance.
I can also say that 100% of the people I talked to, had not read the book because they were just -if not more- opinionated about it when it was just a book. Which, is actually annoying to me. Based upon articles and here-say of those who still had not read the book, I saw several posts about how this book/movie are no good by people who had not actually read it.
The movie made it a point to show the relationship between Anastasia and Christian was totally and completely consensual. Christan Grey talked on some home life issues he had, being the foundation of why he found certain sexual activities arousing. Everyone has something in their past that dictated future actions.
Anastasia was an average English-Literature major in college, a virgin to things other than just sex and like a lot of girls -no matter how old they are- she felt an attraction and thus something within her desired him and desired to please him...(human nature?).
Married or unmarried, people cannot say they don't remember that one guy who you know you ought to, but could not stay away from. We are only human.
To say this movie will influence abusive relationships and it will do psychological damage, is I'm afraid, far from the truth. Sorry not sorry. The movie does a great job of showing that Christian  had a lifestyle to fit his needs and help him recover from his childhood but was not willing to verbalize it (HELLO! MEN!). Anastasia was different than Christan's previous relationships. He made compromises for her, even in the movie and book he says "it is you who is changing me". 
This is NO different than a man who has commitment issues-- this book took a known idea and just upped the ante a little bit to illustrate an actual issue in some people's ideas of a relationship, or the lack thereof. Aside from being a known and respected businessman, yes, he has a room with whips and hand cuffs, but within the contract that he has her sign (all about her CONSENT), there are signs of discomfort like yellow and red in which tells him that she wants certain activities to stop. Everything he did was to bring Ana into his world and see how she felt about it, due to having no prior experience and NOTHING is forced upon her.
The graphic content of the movie just shows the generation we live in and the time, something a lot of other people forget as well. If you're uncomfortable with nakedness in a movie, at this point I would not suggest seeing it. There are also a lot of other movies that have far more nudity than this movie...
Probably the most ridiculous argument I can think of about this entire nonsense is that by seeing this movie I "condone" what is going on and I "support abusive relationships", or even that this is going to change society as a whole..seriously? 
Let's look at The Hunger Games, I seriously doubt that this society is going to be divided up into districts and all the sudden we start killing each other. 

ALL I am trying to say, is if you disagree, that's fine. My total point, is that you can just choose not to watch it. Posting about how people shouldn't see it for their health? And to avoid heartbreak in the future? I feel like it's totally dramatic and blown out  of proportion. 
There's an uproar now but it's going to end and everyone is going to forget-- girls are not going to get into abusive relationships on purpose, guys aren't going to start "stalking" girls to gain their affection, and it is definitely not going to change society and how they view love.

This is documented, I will happily be proven wrong, and people can tell me "I told you so" if in fact this changes society.


  1. what did you think about the cast? I haven't seen it yet, but will next week. I don't like the people who are in it. Did they do a good job? You didn't finish it though- did you not read all 3? You have to read book 2!

    1. The cast was great! I think it was well done. I pictured someone a little better-looking as Christian but I think they did a good job making Ana average but not TOO average. If that makes sense...
      Currently, I only HAVE the first one, I'll get to the other one's I'm sure.

  2. This movie has affected me and I haven't even watched it... it's affecting me because it doesn't affect you at all and you HAVE seen it. It makes me sad...

    1. You guys really need to calm down about this...
