Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools

April 1st, as a kid it was fun to do something horrifically mean and then say "April Fools!" to keep from getting in trouble. I remember as a kid, telling everyone that my mother was having another baby, was a great joke because she already had 5 and she needed to just stop, and now, not only does every other person fake an engagement, but a pregnancy...

Over the last two years- as I have personally noticed- it has become known that it is offensive to fake a pregnancy. So first of all, OH MY GOODNESS. Now, maybe I am a jerk but I am a firm believer that people in this world literally TRY to be offended by certain things.

I have a friend who had a miscarriage and based on this ridiculous ordeal, I asked her if she would be hurt or offended if I posted a status about being pregnant, which turned out to be a joke...
Since I am engaged, it would actually be believable and she said no.

Honestly, I am on the fence. I am caught between thinking it is a over used April Fools joke and people should calm down. It does NOT provoke mockery to women who cannot conceive, in fact, on the contrary, my best friend made an excellent isn't like it's a common thing to post status' about having an abortion. 

"Had an abortion today...


I agree with her, that would be a mockery of pregnancy and fertility if someone openly said they got an abortion and willingly tainted a life that someone else could cherish...
You don't see me getting offended by people who pretended to be engaged because, well, I'm really engaged and I wouldn't want all the single people to feel low because someone chose to joke around.
Give me a break.

Oh, btw, I'm pregnant. 

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